
Level: Elementary

Interactive Subtitles OFF
Interactive Subtitles ON
EN (Google Translate)

{{ title }}

{{ currentPost.source_label }}, {{ dateInTimezoneWithoutTime(currentPost.original_date) }} • {{ currentPost.video_duration }} •



The video's full text in French.


The video's translation in English.


All the words you have clicked in this video: {{ userWordsInPost.length }} words.

Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Fill the gaps - Verbs

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Fill the gaps - Nouns

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Word Puzzle - Verbs

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Word Puzzle- Nouns

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Classroom Quiz

Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.