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Anyone with an audience!


Include affiliate links in a review, a tutorial, a topical blog post, an interview with us... The sky is the limit.

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Invite your readers to improve their French with Ilini. They'll thank you for it.


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Use your Facebook, Twitter or Intagram account to spread the word. Your followers will like it.


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A unique affiliate link pointing to Ilini's homepage. Use it in reviews, tutorials or any other relevant articles. You will find this link in your Affiliate Panel.
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An affiliate link pointing to a specific video on Ilini's website. Use these links when writing about related topics, or simply share new videos regularly on social media.
Good old promotional banners, available in different formats. Good to catch your reader's attention on any page of your site.
Video Embed
Embed an Ilini video in your website, with its integrated dictionary! An excellent way to add interactive content to your article while introducing visitors to Ilini.
Interactive Subtitles OFF
Interactive Subtitles ON

{{ title }}

{{ currentPost.source_label }}, {{ dateInTimezoneWithoutTime(currentPost.original_date) }} • {{ currentPost.video_duration }} •



The video's full text in English.


All the words you have clicked in this video: {{ userWordsInPost.length }} words.

Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Fill the gaps - Verbs

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Fill the gaps - Nouns

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Word Puzzle - Verbs

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Word Puzzle- Nouns

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Classroom Quiz

Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.



The video's full text in English.


All the words you have clicked in this video: {{ userWordsInPost.length }} words.

Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Fill the gaps - Verbs

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Fill the gaps - Nouns

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Word Puzzle - Verbs

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Word Puzzle- Nouns

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Classroom Quiz

Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.
Credits: Ilini uses dictionary data from Wiktionary via Wikdict and DBnary licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The following icons from are licensed by CC 3.0 BY: King, Headphones, Geography, Text Entry Box, Winner, Postbox, Info and Rubik icons by Freepik; "File" and "Contract" Icons by Vectors Market; List and Idea icons by Madebyoliver; Cardiogram icon by Pixel perfect; Theater and Gift icons by Pixel Buddha. Hat icon by Dimitry Miroliubov. Award by Vectors Market. Folder by Smashicons.

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{{ registerForm.errors.get('form') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('invitation') }}

Sign up and join {{ }}!

Whoops! This invitation code is invalid.
{{ registerForm.errors.get('name') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('email') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('password') }}
Group Code
{{ registerForm.errors.get('teacher') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('receive_reminders') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('terms') }}
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All the words you click, in one place

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Online Classroom

The Online Classroom allows you to give and review student assignments.

Ask your students to:
- Watch a video
- Answer the video's comprehension quiz
- Submit a written assignment
- Download, print out and complete PDF worksheets.

You can create as many classes as needed and invite an unlimited number of students. Students only need a free account to join the classroom and to complete the assignments.